Episode 109: Developing Preachers and Teachers
In this episode we sit down to talk about some of the ins and outs of intentionally developing preachers and teachers in our congregations.
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Our conviction is that the word of God has to “go”, but we need to train people up to do this…
A lot of churches depend only on seminaries to train preachers and teachers… but it’s not until you’re in the soil of the local congregation that you really develop your voice in preaching and teaching…
The Bible is full of stories of God putting his hand on people, and the church’s responsibility is to call that out of them…
Developing preachers and teachers need both opportunities and honest feedback… when I was a young pastor, a guy invited me to preach weekly at a truck stop chapel… that was where I got my start, but the problem was that I got no feedback…
It’s a little like a musician getting started—if you can play in clubs and bars, you’ll get good pretty fast, and then when you’re on the big stage with all the support, it’s easier than if you just got thrown up there… you need to say “yes” to opportunities that come your way…
Too many preachers are looking for instant success… the hard work of getting better requires a lot of work… after a hundred times—maybe—you’ll begin to find your voice… by two hundred messages you should be comfortable in your own skin…
We need to create rooms where we review the work (of preaching) that we’ve done, and then preview the work that’s coming up…
It’s important to surround yourself with multigenerational, multiethnic, and different gender voices… I’m trying to surround myself with people that will help me understand the people I’m pastoring…
We also need to create layers of opportunities… it doesn’t have to be 30-minute sermons from the start… even two to three-minute offering moments are a great place to start…
Help people understand that preaching is a speech-act… it needs to be something that we can listen to and enjoy… listen to the great storytellers and writers…
If we’ve got the greatest story that’s ever been told, we ought to be able to handle it beautifully..